Don’t waste today worrying about yesterday!
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life!” Marilyn Hickey says it best. What exactly does the rest of your life look like to you? Let’s explore these options together, let’s fine tune the instrument you have been playing and see if the music needs to be rewritten.
Hi, I’m Jill Walters, Life and Executive Coach, founder of Jill Walters Consulting and Coaching. My best day is realizing tomorrow can be even better. Every day I look for a way to create positivity for someone and provide hope.
Hope is a simple word with a lot of meaning. We all need it, dreamers dream, writers write, but where is hope in this game called life? Every day is a new challenge, a new adventure - however you word it determines the mindset of where you are guiding your thought processes.
Want to learn more? I would love to invite you to realize the potential deep within and intertwine the values, authenticity, and empathy that needs to be given to the world. You have it already, but what are you doing with it?